Sunday, January 13, 2013

TATA log by Harish Bhat (Tata insider) - book thoughts ...

I took this book... Because I am always intrigued by the Tata group .... It's an iconic brand and commands respect like no other. Tata group upholds above all a belief of sincerity towards the consumer.

Foreword states Ratan Tata speech - Think Big. lead. never follow. ( inspiring ).

This book has a few stories about we're TATA group exhibited character ...and How.
4ps which makes TATA a 150 yr old strong brand and can be called the TATA way are - pioneer, principled, purposive and perfect.

Quote JRD Tata - ' I have often come to the conclusion that if we were like other groups, we would be twice as big as we are today. What we have sacrificed is a 100 per cent growth, but we wouldn't want it any other way.'

I had personally been negative on TATA for their lacklustre performance vis a vis reliance. BUT today I can say for sure that the comparison is very stupid.

Book is a collection of few stories...which characterises the Tata log

First story - TATA indica
Story of pioneering .... We're how RATAN Tata gave a clarion call for Indian own car ...and set to go about it. After some initial hiccups in product ... The product has done well.

My thoughts : don't agree at all. Why this need of do it urself? And anyways is Tata indica around.... It might no longer be the preferred taxi as well. The only reason it did well for was it was on diesel and best suited for the economy minded taxi business. TATA motors cars ... SUMO yes for it's size helps the large Indian family ... The remaining Tata estate , safari more an extension of the commercial vehicle business. Also, Tata nano is a disaster at best. Tata motors is today largely about jaguar and land rover...and that's the best thing they did. So what's great about indica and nano... Good attempts ...but sorry. So much for pioneering.....

Tata chemicals - nice work on saving the shark whale. Never knew about it

SCIP - second career for intelligent people ...targeted at women... Awesome ideation.

Tata finance ... Nobody is infallible. Hats off to the way Tata managed to come out unscathed. The recent telecom scam was another example. It requires very strong value system to not bend with the system. If any company deserved to be in airlines is TATA but for the bribe seeking politicians. Tata sons owned up all misdeeds of Tata finance and ensured no consumer was hurt. Today , the norm is that bankers are party to the crime. How can our banking system tolerate - Deccan chronicle, mahua tv and zoom developers. Not naming infra companies and kingfisher ... as they are more of operational failures.

Tanishq - Pioneer and Perseverance

Silly fact : Titan began as a ownership with Tamil Nadu govt ...
Silly fact 2 : tanishq name is ta - ( Tata and Tamil Nadu) + Nisha meaning jewellery. Another meaning tan - body , ishq - love.
Actually tanishq was name inspired by the name of a dog ...monishqa. LOL

Jewellery business... What does it take to change consumer behaviour and more so the deep rooted Indian tradition of buying gold. While after its been done it seems no rocket science.... But it requires the will of xerxes desai to get it done. Why do Indians prefer family jewellers - 22 karat gold ( fact their gold is less impure ) , black money .... And belief that showroom charge u more. I think my parents believe it completely. But I don't see anybody in my generation or the next .... Trusting family jewellers. They would prefer tanishq, TBZ, PCJ....

EKA - the super computer .... Indias first entry into supercomputers and I never knew it was pioneered by TATA and Mr. ramadorai in charge. KUDOS.

Tata steel - DEMING prize ... Only steel company outside Japan to get the rating. I think I need read more on Toyota to appreciate this quality initiative.

Tata tetley ....story of acquisition.
While ...I don't know ..if this acquisition yielded value over the long run. Looks like after the tie up with Starbucks ... But cannot agree more that it paved the way for CORUS and JLR.